This project seeks to understand the studied landscapes as interconnected systems, to identify the main barriers, opportunities and leverage points for the emergence of multifunctional landscapes. The work will also create opportunities for citizen deliberation.

Using systems mapping methods, this work will identify the synergies and trade-offs between landscape functions in each of the studied landscapes (forests, agriculture, marine and coast, urban, mountain). This will help to identify barriers and leverage for change within the future imaginaries. Through novel approaches to citizen deliberation, this project will also support experimentation with and learning about how citizens can best be involved in, and contribute to, land use decision-making.

For more information about this project, contact Tim Daw (Associate Professor, Stockholm Resilience Centre – Tim leads the work on citizen deliberation) or Lucas Dawson (Researcher, SLU – Lucas leads the work on systems analysis).

Lucas Dawson
Lucas Dawson
Tim Daw
Tim Daw


Tim Daw, Stockholm Resilience Centre

Lucas Dawson, SLU

Fanny Möckel, Uppsala universitet